GMOs are the Devil! … or are they?

Feb 05

GMOs are the Devil! … or are they?

While Monsanto is the devil, and hating on them is perfectly healthy, Monsanto does not equal GMOs. To understand what I mean by this, you need to understand what is meant by GMO: Genetically Modified Organism. Let’s break it down. Genetically = genes (not jeans.) Modified = changed. Organism = living thing. The current trend is to fear foods that are...

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Case Study – Rudy and Barb and the Paleo or “Cave-Man” Diet

Feb 04

Case Study – Rudy and Barb and the Paleo or “Cave-Man” Diet

Today we’re talking to Rudy and Barb. They’re starting the cave-man diet because our bodies evolved in cave days to eat a very simple diet of raw meat, nuts, fruits, vegetables, berries, and roots. “It’s the way nature intended,” says Rudy. The paleo diet is not just a way to lose weight; it gets you in touch with your natural...

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