DIY 100% Natural, Chemical-Free Cleaning Products for your Entire Home and Family

Apr 16

DIY 100% Natural, Chemical-Free Cleaning Products for your Entire Home and Family

If you love nature and want to keep your home and family clean, you probably want to use natural cleaners. You know that Windex and other store-bought cleaners are filled with horrifying CHEMICALS, but what are the alternatives? What can you use to keep everything sparkling clean without toxifying your atmosphere and causing cancer in all your pets and family...

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DIY Homeopathic Cures for Three Top Health Concerns

Feb 27

DIY Homeopathic Cures for Three Top Health Concerns

The underlying causes of disease, called “miasms,” can be addressed via homeopathic preparations. As every doctor knows, like cures like, so the basic tenet of homeopathy is to give the patient a preparation of a highly diluted — the more diluted the more potent — disease- or illness-causing substance which has been bashed against an elastic...

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GMOs are the Devil! … or are they?

Feb 05

GMOs are the Devil! … or are they?

While Monsanto is the devil, and hating on them is perfectly healthy, Monsanto does not equal GMOs. To understand what I mean by this, you need to understand what is meant by GMO: Genetically Modified Organism. Let’s break it down. Genetically = genes (not jeans.) Modified = changed. Organism = living thing. The current trend is to fear foods that are...

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Alert: Cure for Cancer Swept under the Rug by Big Pharma!

Jan 27

Alert: Cure for Cancer Swept under the Rug by Big Pharma!

Once a doctor discovered a cure for cancer, but Big Pharma companies immediately swooped down upon him. They tricked him and bought the cure, only to shelve it in the annals of Big Pharma archives. They even bought up all the patents so if anyone else tried to cure cancer, Big Pharma would stop them. Why? Because these companies make a lot more money off TREATING...

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